
Don't start with me

'Tis the season for employment, at least in my realm of study...

So I am working in the governmental affairs world, as are many of my friends, and subsequently a certain level of attire is required. We're in the actual Capitol for goodness' sake. Now, we all know I don't associate with dumb people, and so I can safely say that my friends all dress MORE THAN appropriately. We are all young, attractive, female government employees. We can't take chances. No one wants to be the whorrish intern-esque girl.

Inevitably, because women are evil and instead of supporting each other, tear one another down, one of us gets accused of wearing skirts that are too short. Also of being a pretty face with no brain. By a woman. A middle aged woman. Who probably had to work hard to get to her position and fight all kinds of sexism. So let's antagonize the new girl...

THE NEXT DAY I am sitting in a committee and this woman gets up to give a presentation on how boring the government is, or at least that's what it felt like, when lo and behold the skirt cannot be found! Her skirt was not covering the knee, hitting mid-knee, grazing the knee...no no it was a clear three inches ABOVE the knee. It was like Bridget Jones' Diary and the entire room was Hugh Grant asking where her skirt was! Ma'am, you are pushing 50, you should really rethink the forgoing on the skirt routine every morning.

I think that to solve all of the ridiculous wardrobe issues (I really haven't even gotten into the people who must belong to that Indian tribe that doesn't believe in mirrors, because they CLEARLY DON'T OWN ANY) we should just all be naked at all times. This will fix everything. I have spoken...