
New job. New Look.

Yeah, I've gone and moved on. I figure if I'm doing this whole grown up thing, I could play around with the colors, try to be less obnoxious-- just kidding! About the last part anyway. I mean, I renamed it something WAY more obnoxious than before, that's just me trying to stay true to my roots...because I'm right. Everyone knows it. Fighting it just makes you tired. If you quiet down and embrace it, there will be more time in your life for good things, like cuddling, cookies, and MAC Fluidline. Just trust me.

I'm working in The Big Apple. The City that Never Sleeps. The Second Coast. Gotham. Empire City.

Let's be real, I'm from Jersey and there's only one way we refer to the 212:

The City.

We don't need fancy labels. We're easy. Which is a lie. People from NJ are NOT easy, but like the facebook group I recently joined so plainly states, "We're from Jersey, and it's okay, we don't like you either." Now, I'm going to say something at the risk of being mocked by the four people who maybe read this blog...I have long felt that being from New Jersey is like knowing about a killer store/restaurant/salon that is always awesome and half-price. I mean, Jersey isn't really half price...the apartment I will inhabit eventually will def lend to that point, but the rest is true. We have all the good stuff of the tri-state area without a lot of the dumb stuff. We also have extras that people from out of Jersey don't believe...like PARKS. New Jersey is REALLY PRETTY and all of you who have just landed at Newark for a layover are ignorant of the real beauty that lies a mere hop, skip, and turnpike away from your gate. Also, there is no beach in Jersey, there is only going down the shore. Deal with it.

I was talking about something else wasn't I? OH YEAH!

After 13ish years of living well below the Mason-Dixon I finally get to move back to a place where people don't refer to the Civil War as the War of Northern Aggression. This is one of many reasons I am excited about this move, others include good pizza, five awesome malls within twenty minutes of me, family, and well my job, I guess.

Man, the South really tried to beat the Yankee out of me, especially these last four years, but alas they all failed! But I will be bringing my country music with me because seriously, country music is so wonderful. I love it. It's taken me a long time to proclaim that, but now I am comfortable enough with my Yankee bitch self to accept my love for country music.

And so, with this, I officially change my geographical information and get excited about what will likely be an exercise in being surrounded by shoes I cannot afford.

Until I return...