
New job. New Look.

Yeah, I've gone and moved on. I figure if I'm doing this whole grown up thing, I could play around with the colors, try to be less obnoxious-- just kidding! About the last part anyway. I mean, I renamed it something WAY more obnoxious than before, that's just me trying to stay true to my roots...because I'm right. Everyone knows it. Fighting it just makes you tired. If you quiet down and embrace it, there will be more time in your life for good things, like cuddling, cookies, and MAC Fluidline. Just trust me.

I'm working in The Big Apple. The City that Never Sleeps. The Second Coast. Gotham. Empire City.

Let's be real, I'm from Jersey and there's only one way we refer to the 212:

The City.

We don't need fancy labels. We're easy. Which is a lie. People from NJ are NOT easy, but like the facebook group I recently joined so plainly states, "We're from Jersey, and it's okay, we don't like you either." Now, I'm going to say something at the risk of being mocked by the four people who maybe read this blog...I have long felt that being from New Jersey is like knowing about a killer store/restaurant/salon that is always awesome and half-price. I mean, Jersey isn't really half price...the apartment I will inhabit eventually will def lend to that point, but the rest is true. We have all the good stuff of the tri-state area without a lot of the dumb stuff. We also have extras that people from out of Jersey don't believe...like PARKS. New Jersey is REALLY PRETTY and all of you who have just landed at Newark for a layover are ignorant of the real beauty that lies a mere hop, skip, and turnpike away from your gate. Also, there is no beach in Jersey, there is only going down the shore. Deal with it.

I was talking about something else wasn't I? OH YEAH!

After 13ish years of living well below the Mason-Dixon I finally get to move back to a place where people don't refer to the Civil War as the War of Northern Aggression. This is one of many reasons I am excited about this move, others include good pizza, five awesome malls within twenty minutes of me, family, and well my job, I guess.

Man, the South really tried to beat the Yankee out of me, especially these last four years, but alas they all failed! But I will be bringing my country music with me because seriously, country music is so wonderful. I love it. It's taken me a long time to proclaim that, but now I am comfortable enough with my Yankee bitch self to accept my love for country music.

And so, with this, I officially change my geographical information and get excited about what will likely be an exercise in being surrounded by shoes I cannot afford.

Until I return...


Don't start with me

'Tis the season for employment, at least in my realm of study...

So I am working in the governmental affairs world, as are many of my friends, and subsequently a certain level of attire is required. We're in the actual Capitol for goodness' sake. Now, we all know I don't associate with dumb people, and so I can safely say that my friends all dress MORE THAN appropriately. We are all young, attractive, female government employees. We can't take chances. No one wants to be the whorrish intern-esque girl.

Inevitably, because women are evil and instead of supporting each other, tear one another down, one of us gets accused of wearing skirts that are too short. Also of being a pretty face with no brain. By a woman. A middle aged woman. Who probably had to work hard to get to her position and fight all kinds of sexism. So let's antagonize the new girl...

THE NEXT DAY I am sitting in a committee and this woman gets up to give a presentation on how boring the government is, or at least that's what it felt like, when lo and behold the skirt cannot be found! Her skirt was not covering the knee, hitting mid-knee, grazing the knee...no no it was a clear three inches ABOVE the knee. It was like Bridget Jones' Diary and the entire room was Hugh Grant asking where her skirt was! Ma'am, you are pushing 50, you should really rethink the forgoing on the skirt routine every morning.

I think that to solve all of the ridiculous wardrobe issues (I really haven't even gotten into the people who must belong to that Indian tribe that doesn't believe in mirrors, because they CLEARLY DON'T OWN ANY) we should just all be naked at all times. This will fix everything. I have spoken...


He's lucky he can cook...

These are some typical things my non-boyfriend and I say to each other:

Me: "Your hot tub has the hiv." (hiv rhymes with shiv)
Him: "You look like Claire Huxtable."
Me: "Whatever. She was a successful attorney, and you have moccasins on."
Me: Well many people assume that Charlemagne was a Merovingian but I'm pretty sure he was a Carolingian
Him: Given the state of our society, I think more people are likely to assume that Britney and Madonna used tongue
Mind you, I was talking about his apartment's hot tub and I am not a middle-aged black woman so I don't look like Claire Huxtable, but sometimes I think back to the things we say and I wonder, "Who ARE these people?"

Sadly, it's us, and sometimes we say things in FRONT OF OTHER PEOPLE. We should really practice silence, like monks. People think they're meditating but clearly they are just avoiding the inevitable LOOKS OF SHAME people give you when you say ridiculous thing.

Meanwhile, he looks back at our conversations and says things like, "We should TOTALLY have our own reality show."

And so...this is a close as we get to reality television. Which is nice, because cameras and PMS probably would end badly for someone involved...probably Him.


I'm bitter. I know. Deal with it.

This may be tacky. This may be a clichéd response. This may be bitterly written.

I know for damn sure this is dramatic.

I have some issues with the Gators. We all know that by issues I mean the ultimate level of dislike. Obviously I am happy for the individuals on that team. You can’t look at Chris Leak and see his hard work for four years, see all of the school records he holds, and NOT be happy. You can’t look at Reggie Nelson with his teammates at the national championship a mere 18 days after his mother died and not be happy for him. You can’t watch his post-game interview and not be impressed with his composure because I know I would be in a hole somewhere bawling my eyes out.

However, I have some issues.

Urban. Meyer. “The greatest coach in college football.” I just threw up a little in my mouth. Maybe I expect a little more from a coach in the class department. Maybe I expect too much. Maybe I have an unrealistic expectation of decorum. But I think it is immensely inappropriate for a coach, the HEAD coach, of a college football team to turn to the crowd and lift his hands in a “get loud” motion. That is NOT okay. It’s just not.

Whichever players dumped Gatorade on Meyer before the end of the game. I hate it when ANYONE does this. The Seminoles have done it. The Hurricanes have done it. But I hate it and point it out a lot. It’s just disrespectful.

And you know, I never had a problem with Emmitt Smith…and then the announcer said, “Are the Gators going to win everything this year? Basketball? Football? Dancing With the Stars?”


I also have issue with the score. Or more specifically the difference between the UF-OSU score and the FSU-UF games. OSU, how were you undefeated going into this game? I do not know! I hope someone does!

I have to go to bed now.

Congratulations to the Gators. You guys played clean, sharp football. It was actually visually pleasing to watch (despite those horribly ugly colors you wear). You clearly deserve it more than OSU, that's for sure. Enjoy it.

We'll see you at the Swamp.


Too stoned!

Never been stoned while blogging…

To be clear, I’m high on cough syrup. I have the plague and so the doctor sent me home with enough drugs to dope up LSU’s entire team to the point of letting Notre Dame win…

Anyway, according to the label on my cough syrup it is a federal crime to give the medicine to anyone but me. I tell you this for several reasons: 1. to impress upon you how severe this bout with the plague is 2. to make you wonder how concerned the government really is about my cough medicine when we have things like this going on 3. and apparently there were only a few reasons, not several, but I’m too lazy to go back an edit.

So I usually come back from the holiday break with a plethora or stories to tell you, a glut of anecdotes if you will, and this year is no different.

It begins…

I have been fortunate enough in my small time here on earth to have traveled to many places. I have traveled both internationally and domestically. I have traveled by myself. I have traveled in groups ranging from two to SEVENTY-FIVE people. In my lifetime, I have never traveled with anyone as annoying as my own father. He really might the worst traveler in history.

Despite waking up before all of us on the morning in question, he is still the last one ready to leave the house. He is one of THOSE people. I seem to be surrounded by THESE people. THESE people are those who have seemingly normal “getting ready” routines and yet somehow move so slowly it boggles the mind that they ever learned to read or graduated from middle school. My boyfriend is one of THESE people. My best friend is one of THESE people. THESE people drive me up a wall…but I digress. So he leaves the house grumbling about being later -- mind you, we are not late, we are not even in the realm of tardy, and yet my father has already begun dooming us verbally to miss our flight. I ignore him, this is typical Dad stuff, right? Fine, I’m ignoring him…

Until we get to security.

We’re in line, waiting…waiting…waiting.

“Sarah, are you going to zip your purse?”

“No Dad, it’s big and bulky and zippering it will be annoying”

“Sarah, you need to zipper it.”

“Leave me alone Dad.”

“You’re a WALKING TARGET for pickpockets.”

“Dejame tranquila, por favor!!!” [Leave me alone, PLEASE]

At this point, people are looking so he leaves me alone…

For five minutes.

“Sarah, I think you should zipper it for when it goes through the X-Ray”


“Yes, yes I am.”

Some observations:

  1. My bag is obviously the tote bag kind that NO ONE zips. Also, do you think that if my valuables were in any way easily accessible and not at the BOTTOM of the huge bag, that I would be so cavalier about it? Of course not.
  1. THERE ARE NO PICKPOCKETS IN THIS FREAKING AIRPORT. But if there were, can we please talk about how you are so narrowed in on MY BAG that NO ONE will get within thirty feet of it. Thanks.
  1. I’ve done this before, probably more times than you. PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE.

I swear to you, if I didn’t think it would have caused a scene I would’ve turned to him and said, “See you at the gate.”

So now you think maybe he will calm down after the flight, but you’re wrong, because as we’re driving toward Jackie’s house, he begins to GIVE HER DIRECTIONS. She LIVES there.

I begin to hack up my soul somewhere in these next twelve hours. It’s unclear to me what happened exactly.

Jackie and I had a heart warming exchange two days later. It went something like this:

“Sarah, your hair is oily, you look gross”

(This is after I’ve spent the last day and a half in bed, dying.)

“Leave me alone.”

“And your face looks gross.”

“Excuse me?”

“You have mascara under your eyes. You look gross.”

“You’re just jealous because I look better than you right now.”

“You look like Rudolph; your nose is all red.”

“I’ve been blowing it non-stop. But I think you’re just sad because I have a cute nose, and you have that large appendage on your face.”

“Whatever, I’m prettier than you.”

At this point we just both dissolve into laughter. This little conversation def happened in front of eight other people. We don’t care. We’re vicious. But we LOVE each other! We really do, that wasn’t sarcasm…

Some other quality quotes:

“Why is your mouth moving? What are you eating?” ~All of us at some point

“Wanna see Jeannine cry? Watch…watch” ~Jackie

“He brought a showerhead with him! He is a GUEST! He should not bring ANYTHING to fix the water pressure in the house where he is a GUEST.” ~My mom

“Who is James Brown?” ~Jackie

Well, that is all for now. I am too doped up on meds to continue this post any further. Tune in next time for more on the following:

  1. The bangin’ New Year’s Eve Party
  2. Shoe shopping with Jeannine
  3. My dad on the trip home

Oh, and while this might be very unrelated to this entry, it is a very relevant piece of advice: Don’t talk smack about people who are smarter than you. They usually find out. It usually ends badly for you, the meddler. That is all.

Crazy Blondes

“I know I look stupid when I tell people I want to have babies. They tell me that my boyfriend is 80 and that he has two other girlfriends.”

So I was watching the Playboy Bunny reality show, The Girls Next Door. It is so unbelievable. It’s just like bad VH1 TV, you HAVE to keep watching. Today’s episode was about Holly planning a baby shower for a former Playmate. I guess you could say Holly is the queen bee of Heff’s three live-in girlfriends. She’s been around the longest and strangely enough has this weird propriety thing going on…anyway she wants to marry Heff. As in Hugh Heffner. As in the man who has had more than one girlfriend openly for more than twenty years. AND SHE’S TALKING ABOUT IT ON NATIONAL TELEVISION.

I know we all have our weird delusions, I know I have mine, but I don’t tell anyone about them. Congratulations Holly, you just told the world that you think Hugh will marry you and give you a child. And the world also saw you drop the biggest hints in the world to him. And then, the world saw him ignore you. He’s been with you for five years. You want to wait three years so he can be done with the kids he has. HE WILL BE EIGHTY THREE. Come ooooooooooon.

Anyway, my other favorite moment of the show was at the baby shower. The girls kept giving the mommy-to-be little stuffed bunnies, which I guess is cute in a way. BUT THEN, someone says, “I hope that Victoria’s baby grows up to be a Playboy bunny.”

NO! NO! That poor unborn child…



Kendra is turning 21. That’s right, one of Hugh’s girlfriends moved in at the age of 20. And her mom and grandma and brother are around to celebrate at the mansion. The strangeness of this show is mounting.

Kendra’s birthday gift from Heff is a trip for the girls to Las Vegas. Apparently there are rules at the mansion that require the girls to lead a dignified life and so this vacation is allowing them to get away from all of their “responsibilities.” It’s just too easy to make fun of that. What is even better though is that Holly is the one that is supposed to keep everyone in line on the trip.

They’re Playmates.

What is the fun of being Hugh Heffner’s girlfriend if you can’t live the luxe trashy life? They have a curfew when they’re home for goodness sake!

ANYWAY, I’m done.


It has happened again...

I saw a great movie! Playing by Heart! It has an all star cast and still no one has heard of it. It seems very confusing. I recommend to the Internet world that you all go see it immediately. It's one of those movies where everyone is connected but you don't know how immediately and you start to figure it out. It's great. Here are some of my favorite lines:

Max: I uh... I like your tight body. It looks like it would do what I tell it.
Joan: What?
Max: I said...
Joan: No, I heard what you said. And I'll admit 'What?' was a rather banal, cliché, noncolorful response. What I really meant to say was: 'Why don't you do the world a big fat fucking favor and crawl back into your mother's womb?'

Meredith: I'll tell you what I don't want. I don't want all this calculated artificiality. This dress, these stupid little bows in my hair, they aren't me. I mean, look at you. You - you don't sit around your house in an Armani suit, do you?
Trent: No. My house is black-tie.


Dorky MUN Kids

Yes, I am one. I know that Model United Nations is one of the most uncool activities in the world, but it has enabled me to travel the world for free, so who am I to complain? Besides all of that, I've made great friends and met fantastic people these past three years. However, sometimes, such as now, when I am removed from the MUN community I forget just how silly we are. Until I read silly comments like this on facebook: China was excellent. I climbed the great wall with most of the FSU-Panama people, and W&M won best delegation again, which was fun. FSU should really go next year so we can have a love-hate relationship with someone besides West Point..." Oh wow, we are dorky, and have our own weird political messes within conferences, but really, parli pro will serve us in some future board meeting, and all those outsiders....well it sucks to be you

I do love WP and Bill & Bitch, for the record.


Crazy Commercial

I am home for a little while. I figured I needed a break before summer school started. My grand theory of sickness has been proven once again during this little break. While at school, I do not allow my body to succumb to sickness for the most part, I am invincible! And then I come home for a couple of days and fall into a spiral of sickness. This has happened once again. My grand theory prevails. And so, I sit on the couch and watch bad TV and float in and out of sleep, but one thing that has stuck with me: the eye cream commercial. It is an atrocious commercial. Poorly done. But what sticks with me is the slogan: For serious eye circles, except that serious is underlined. DO NOT BE FOOLED. This is not for part-time circles, not for humorous circles, or under-18 circles. This is for Nietzsche-reading, C-SPAN watching, serious circle. It's very amusing. Also, it might be all the over-the-counter meds I am on mixing, but nonetheless, I smiled.


This semester is over

Thank the Lord! No finals, no more class, I am so happy. I can't believe it. It's really over. Summer is really here.

And now onto more important matters...

The West Wing. Again. Stupid.

Democrats don't ask Republicans to be their vice-presidents. Especially Republicans who lost. Mind you, I am a Republican and this development upset me. How unrealistic can we get? Grr...

In other news, offering Donna deputy press secrtary after the First Lady offered her COS is a slap in the face...stupid Josh

Season Six. May 9th. DVD.

I swear I will post something non-West Wing related soon.


West Wing

Twice in one day...can we handle it?

I like how I address people when I am pretty positive that NO ONE reads these things except for Dana.


I just saw a preview for West Wing this Sunday, and as most of you all know they are cancelling the show. Why? Why would they cancel a show that is critically acclaimed? Because stupid NBC put it in a stupid Sunday night spot because STUPID America would rather watch dumb shows like Lost where you don't have to think, than watch a thought provoking political drama. But, back to the preview, Josh and Donna are FINALLY hooking up. People, this is huge, this is like watching Casablanca for the millionth time and your DVD shows you the ending you always wanted and Bergman says peace out to Henreid and goes to chill with Bogart. AMAZING! So after the preview ended I started thinking about all the great Josh and Donna moments, here's a sampling:

Josh Lyman: Victory is mine, victory is mine. Great day in the morning, victory is mine
Donna Moss: Good morning, Josh.
Josh Lyman: I drink from the keg of glory, Donna. Bring me the finest muffins and bagels in all the land
Donna Moss: It's going to be an unbearable day

Josh Lyman: All I'm saying is, if you were in an accident, I wouldn't stop to get a beer.
Donna Moss: If you were in an accident, I wouldn't stop for red lights.

Donna Moss: I had a plan.
Josh Lyman: When you say, "in one of these boxes..."?
Donna Moss: I had a plan. Each box is numbered. There's a piece of paper with a number and a corresponding description of the contents of each box.
Josh Lyman: Well, where's the piece of paper? [pause]
Josh Lyman: It's in one of these boxes.
Donna Moss: I had a plan. I grew up on a farm.
Josh Lyman: You grew up in a condo.
Donna Moss: I grew up near a farm. And I was cute, and I was peppy, and I always did well on my nineteenth-century English literature midterm until you came along and sucked me into your life of crime.
Josh Lyman: Hey, I'm not the . . .
Donna Moss: White-collar crime boy. You know what they do to a girl like me on that cell block? I've seen those movies. J
osh Lyman: Yeah, me, too.
Donna Moss: I'll bet you have.
Josh Lyman: Look . . .
Donna Moss: Sell my farm girl ass for a carton of Luckys.
Josh Lyman: Hey, seriously, you need to sleep for a while.
Donna Moss: I can't yet. 'Cause in one of these boxes are Fed Ex receipts and mail-room records for any gifts or packages sent to senior staff, and in one of these boxes is a piece of paper that tells me which box it's in!
Josh Lyman: I'll be in the office.
Donna Moss: Your office is down a corridor, about two hundred feet from here. Try not to commit any felonies on the way.
Josh Lyman: I'll do my best.
Donna Moss: Yeah. [Josh leaves the room]

Josh Lyman: I said to you, I said this. I said, "Do you want food?"
Donna Moss: Yes.
Josh Lyman: And you said, "No, I don't want any food."
Donna Moss: Yeah.
Josh Lyman: And now you're eating my food!
Donna Moss: I kind of think you'd have learned that by now.
Josh Lyman: Are you eating the rest of the sandwich?
Donna Moss: Are you?

And so you can see, how I am very scared that while these West Wing writers have been adept at creating a campaign trail drama, they will fail when it comes to the snappy verbal remarks that need to exist when these two finally get together. In my next thought I had a vision, Aaron Sorkin should come back JUST to write this episode. It's so crucial, it's so near the end. But he won't. Why did he leave? Urgh. So we'll see how good this episode ends up being, I pray that it is amazing. I will be happy if it's just ok. That is all.

Good commercials

OK, so the commercial with the man sitting in the shoe store as his girlfriend peruses black heels...all different I might add...and then when she asks him what he thinks about the shoes they all look the same to him...


Silly boys. But the commercial is lovely every time I see it...

I went shopping today with birthday money and found the impossible: navy slacks that don't make me look 50 years old. I am excited. I love everything I have purchased on break. Yay for clothes, although I should not be allowed to shop with Nicole anymore, we both enjoy business clothing WAY too much and thus we do not discourage each other from buying another pair of pants.

I'm watching American Idol. I have given in. I don't feel bad only because a childhood friend of mine is on it, and thus I justify my reality tv setback with that fact.

That is all.


Happy Birthday to Me! and other things

Yay, today is my birthday!

I love birthdays. I do not like people who tell me I am only excited about birthdays because I am young. I think that is so rude. I plan on being as excited about my 60th birthday as I was about my 8th birthday. I just love the day, the idea that you celebrate just you, it's awesome. It makes people smile. I love it. And there's cake. And presents. And both of mine were spectacular.

So today, I was online looking at classes for next semester and got REALLY excited because a class I've wanted to take for several years now is being offered in the afternoon and NOT at 8 AM. I exclaimed this via IM to a friend and she just laughed at me. It was during her peals of laughter that I saw how much of a dork I truly am. Let's hope American Foreign Policy is worthy of my excitement.

So I have a retarded tan line, I don't know why but my shoulder has this random whiteness in an odd shape. I'm pretty sure a shadow was cast on my shoulder while I was reading outside yesterday and now I have this lovely memento on my arm. It looks pretty silly, I can't lie.

I am reading Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons. It's pretty good. Not what I thought it would be at all. I thought it'd be fluffy, but it's actually getting into good issues about women in the sixties and their marriages. It kind of reminds me of Sex & the City in a strange way.

That's all for now. I had another funny happening in the day, but it has escaped me once again. Tune in tomorrow. Or whenever the next time I write ends up being.


I'm here!

1. Woman marries dolphin.

Really what else can I say? There was a ceremony. There was a courtship of several years. This is what happens when British people go crazy.

2. The new facebook status

For serious everyone, "it's complicated" is silly. For starters, you can be complicated alone, or you can request complication with someone. Being complicated alone is very much "I stalk this guy in my math class and he doesn't know I exist." CREEPY. Being complicated with someone? Please. If you recognize that there is enough of something between you to confirm complication, then please just be in a relationship, because even if it's a bad relationship I have decided that it's better than being complicated. I have spoken.

3. David White. Me. Same person.

It's uncanny. It's a little scary sometimes. We are freakishly linked. Same reactions and opinions. We also can't let the little things go.

4. Tamina is a friend of mine from high school. She is the author of amazing things like the Pangea biology quiz. She recommends to all of you that you "not be dumb whores who open their legs three months too early only to end up dragging your friend to his house at night to spy on him to see if he has a gf." She was apparently the dragged along friend in this situation. She was quite unhappy. She also says that you should have found out about the gf before the sex. Just a tip.

5. Wow. I played a lot of Monopoly while Dan was here visiting Julia. I was the Monopoly stripper because for some reason I ALWAYS had a lot of ones. I was that girl who goes to the bank with $400 in singles and says, "I'm a waitress." Anyway, I was not only the stripper, I WON. Apparently, owning both utilities, three railroads, and having a mid-sized monopoly is all you need to do to win. Crazy.

I know that my blog is unloved and I am sorry. More to come on lots of different issues


It's been a while...

Yeah I know, I left my blog lonely. But it's tough, it can handle it. This semester has already gotten crazy but there are a couple of things I wish to expound upon at a later date:

1. Woman marries dolphin
2. The new facebook status: "It's complicated"
3. How David White and I are the same person
4. How we should all listen to Tamina and not be dumb whores
5. Tales of the Monopoly Strippers: How to win all of Monopoly

Back later...


The Holidays 2005 - Part One

So when I told you guys about SK8 and Mike coming to party with the Cubans for New Year's Eve, I don't think I quite conveyed how ridiculous things could get so let me do so by recounting the happenings of the last two days:

Christmas Eve. AKA Noche Buena. My house. Oh wow. So we did the pig thing, took all day to cook the damn thing and by the end of the night not much of the 70 pound pig was still around...

Fast forward to the dancing, as some of you have seen on my away message, when I wear a pair of shoes I commit to them for the night, which is what I did, in comfy three inch stilettos. This gets better a little later. Anyway, so we have everyone dancing, including SK8 and Joel (one time for the white kids), and I'm drinking to my little heart's content which is great because it makes me forget about the pain in my feet. So at about 11:40 SK8 and I realize that we are about to miss the greatest tradition ever, so we hightail it to Hernandez' house. We arrrived just in time for the Hallelujah chorus and the placing of the Baby Jesus into the Nativity. I think her dad was more drunk this year than any other year. Glo-ri-ous!

So then I finally get to bed around 3 am, which is cool, until people bother me at 10 am. Whatever, it's Christmas, I play along. We open the presents, hang out, and then all return to bed for what would later serve us as disco naps. So my Tia is pestering us all day to get to her house and finally she says, we're all going over there RIGHT NOW if you guys don't leave. So of course, the thought of 30 people invading our house when we'd had 45 over the night before and just finished cleaning put a fire under us to move.

So now we're at Tia's house, more gift exchanging, more oohing and ahhing, fun. There's a disgusting amount of food available of course, because after all it's Christmas. And now the dancing starts. I don't know who is reading this, but I know that most of my friends from home at least have partied with my family. We dance. Salsa. Merengue. Bachata. And now and then some hip hop to give our parents heart attacks and to let my 7 year-old cousin, Adam, show off his sweet dance moves. Now here's where my stilettos from the night before become a fun fact. I have these SWEET burgundy leather boots from Nine West, they are hot. They are have four inch heels that are pencil-thin. Now, I'm tough, and I've worn these boots to school on days when I have class and meetings and I hold up fine. But I've never danced in these shoes. Hell, I don't know if I'll ever dance again! And being the stubborn girl that I am I danced for FIVE HOURS in these shoes. Add to that the fact that I'd danced the night before, add to that the fact that I was the DD so there was no alcohol to numb my pain, and finally the greatest of all the facts: Disco is back.

Well, at least it was last night, and it will be at New Year's Eve. But before you think I've lost the tough-ass chick status let us review disco. I'm not talking about the cheesy move that all of us do from Saturday Night Fever that has your arm pointing in a diagonal in sync with your hips. NO FRIENDS. My father is apparently, or was I should say, a disco king, which means lots of moving around the dance floor and lots of turns. Now, I'm an above average dancer, I have rhythm, I can move rather well, but being twirled at high speeds for five turns alternating in different directions will get most people, except the best of ballerinas, dizzy enough to fall. My ankle breaking kept flashing into my mind. It is a Christmas miracle that I did not trip and kill myself. I have the balance to dance in 4 inch stilettos people, platforms would've been no problem...I should've been born in time for disco. IT IS SO FUN! Even though about once every ten minutes I get yelled at for backleading...imagine me, trying to take control...

1:30 am rolls around. We're tired, we're fading. We leave. We try to go to Village Inn because we're STARVING, it's closed. We get home, make hot chocolate and Cuban toast. We're chatting in our dining room, answering the phone when my Tia calls telling us to come back to her house for breakfast. We decline.

So you think it ends here right? For most normal people, it would. Bedtime would come. They would sleep. They would dream. They would be resting.

We are not normal. Don't ever let me try to convince you otherwise.

Sitting in the dining room we hear them before we see them. We right off the one bang we heard as a rogue movement somewhere on the street, a car or something. And then we SEE them. All TWENTY of them. In our backyard, walking into our patio, then walking into our house. The bang we heard? One of the kids who had a wooden spoon and a pot lid. One of many kids with such a device. And the adults? Guitars, drums, and because what would a serenata be without one, una guira. (Translations: 1.Serenata: a tradition, namely found in P.R. and the D.R., where you go and sing songs to your neighbors during the holidays in the wee hours of the morning 2. Una guira: it's an instrument, I don't know if there's an English word for it, I'll investigate) So now we're in for a full on serenata, because friends of my aunts are with us, and they are a Dominican family who used to have a band, which is cool. They had been our live band for a little while at Tia's house before joining us for dancing fun, and now they were at our house. So we're singing, and in true Cuban fashion the food starts coming from I DON'T KNOW WHERE. But everyone's eating and having a great time. (Note: Frank Sinatra's My Way sounds amazing in Spanish) So finally around 3:30 am they leave. In telling this story to Colin he says, "Wow, that's crazy. That would never happen to me in Boca." He then joked about how it'd probably never happen again...

It's happened before.

Except with more people.

This is why my stories are fun. Yeah, my old church used to go on serenatas on Friday nights during the holiday season. We'd get out of youth group around 10 pm, go grab dinner, and then start knocking on congregants doors (beginning with those with teens who'd decided to stay in instead of joining us for this fun) around midnight. And this would start with about 30 people, and that group would keep growing, because once we stopped at your house, you usually came along so whoever's house was last ended up with about 40-50 people easily. Of course, part of the fun is having them show up, so we stayed in one night for it.

I don't know if many many loud mouthed Latinos have ever showed up at your doorstep at 1:00 am with panderetas, timbales, bongos, guiras, y guitarras (tambourines, snare drums, bongo drums, guiras, and guitars) but it's pretty fantastic. It's also pretty loud. I'll warn your neighbors before we come to your house, don't worry.

GUESS WHAT! The holidays are not over. There's more to come. I'm hoping that New Year's Eve will be amazing enough for the blog, that's why I entitled this entry Part One, because I'm pretty sure there will be a Part Two. Maybe a Part Three. Jackie called today to see what I was wearing to New Year's, the conversation ended with my sending her photos online. It's gonna be great!

Oh, and here's another penny for your thoughts.

My aunt says to me as they're leaving my house at 3:30 am, "You guys are lucky Village Inn was closed, because we were going to go there with all of this."

Oh wow.

P.S. It hurts to move. A lot.


I'm home...woot woot.

So after putting it off for an extra day and a half I have arrived back in T-Town #1...

Why did I put it off? Because while I love Tampa, once I'm here for break I'm essentially stuck here, so we'll see how long before I want to kill someone.

So I'm in the house, and it's Christmas. Lights outside. Fantastic tree. Gifts under it. The whole nine. It's nice, although kind of startling to go from no Christmas in an apartment (except for the mistletoe my roomates hung up) to the Christmas house.

OK. STOP. I'm talking to Colin online and my away message is:

"Sydney, the man is the leader of the free world. He's brilliant, funny, handsome. He's an above-average dancer. Isn't it possible our standards are just a tad high?";-)

For those of you who don't know, this is a quote from The American President.

Colin's response?

Colin: "I am so Andrew Shepard."

I have such modest friends.

But wait...it gets so much better.

Me: wow, im amazed that you just claimed to be andrew shepard
Colin: well think about it...handsome (at least i hope so), i can dance like a white guy (which means only when in a tux), I'm articulate when the situation calls for it, and i'm single...i'm him
Me: and leader of the free world?
Colin: technically, the only world that is free is your own world
Colin: so, in that case, yes
Me: a line for everything sir

This blog entry started as Christmas at home. Colin stole the show. Ok, I'm out...I'm being distracted...


Sarah Kate is legal...Part Two

So this morning SK8 calls me, and in a horribly (still) drunk voice she has the following conversation with me:

Me: Hey honey, how ya feelin?
Her: Not so good...I had 21 drunks...
Me: Shots?
Her: No! DRINKS, they made me have 21 drinks...there was wine, and beer, and margaritas...
Me: Where'd you go?
Her: My room, Chili's, Bar 23, which seems like a shady-ass house...and is a shady-ass house.
Me: Oh okay, so --
Her: --and I'm still drunk
Me: Yeah, I got that.
Her: I'm walking across South Quad...oh! There are seagulls!
Me: Uh, I don't think so.
Her: But I SEE them.
Me: SK8, Honey, you're in Indiana, there's not an ocean for the seagulls to live near...
Her: Ohh...well, they're here...ok well I'm at breakfast, TTYL

You've gotta love her.



Uh...does anyone else find it a little disturbing that Lucy seems anxious to cut a bitch in The Lion, The Witch, & The Wardrobe? Anyone? Seriously, everytime she is maybe going to have to cut something she pulls out that dagger with gusto and is like, "Let's go!" She's SIX! It's a good thing Aslan and Peter and Susan are around to keep her from doing things that would get her killed.

Happy Birthday SK8!!!

Sarah Kate is legal

That's right ladies and gentlemen, because liquor stores didn't have enough problems to worry about, Sarah Katherine Hafner was born 21 years ago today, December 12th. Wow, we're getting old...oh wait, not me, just all of you. Hafner, I feel like we have to do it up right when you get home, but we'll go slow, stupid rowing has your tolerance down. Did I say stupid rowing? Let me clarify, I love me some water, shells, and oars, but training means no drinking. So have your fun at Chili's happy hour tomorrow but know that Coach Stone wants something like 12 hours out of you this week, or at least thats what Quinn told me. And while I know study days at ND just aren't the same without surprise visits from me, good luck, survive the days, survive Riley, and remember Starbucks doesn't close until 2 o'clock in the morning. See you in a week-ish...


Simply amazing

Footnote 1. The trial transcript quotes Ms. Hayden as saying Murphy called her a snitch bitch “hoe.” A “hoe,” of course, is a tool used for weeding and gardening. We think the court reporter, unfamiliar with rap music (perhaps thankfully so), misunderstood Hayden’s response. We have taken the liberty of changing “hoe” to “ho,” a staple of rap music vernacular as, for example, when Ludacris raps “You doin’ ho activities with ho tendencies.”

There's nothing that can be added to that to make it better...


My cousin Jackie...

This is Jackie's response to an e-mail her mom sent us about good girls being the good apples at the top of the tree:

"ohhh please that apple thing full of shit im oG as hell mom im chillin hard as hell i dont need 2 wiat for someone 2 pick me from the top of the tree im the type of apple thats on top so they can fall on purpose and knock the boy out or spit on them"

That's right people. Knock them out or spit on them. And you thought I was crazy...

I see her in 27 days...so exciting.


Not nice.

You shouldn't make bets about girls. It's not nice. And they find out. Because people like them more than they like you. I don't care how long ago it was. So now she knows and you're on her list. Don't worry, revenge won't be soon, it'll be when you don't expect it, and she'll be there, smiling. Fucker.

Sarah Kate has family envy

So here's the history...

Sarah Kate (my best friend in all the world, also known as SK8) is Irish. And that's cool and all, but it's kinda like being German (read: boring). And her family is lovely, I've met most of them, very nice people. Alas, she has met a portion (that's right kid, you haven't met nearly everyone) of my family and thinks she can just co-opt herself in. Here's the thing, shes got no camo for this, we're all Cuban, and not even the light-skinned, light-haired Cubans, most of us look like me (yeah I know, how can THAT many people be THAT good looking), so homegirl doesn't blend in at all. So you think, maybe she'll get in under the "I speak Spanish" cover...she took French for five years and has moved on to Italian. She has carved herself a niche though, calling my parents Mom and Dad, calling my grandparents Abuelo and Abuela, calling my aunts and uncles Tia and Tio. So ANYWAY, in all her brilliance on the phone today she once again displayed family envy. Here's the conversation:

Sarah: Psshht! I'd have to make sure someone worshipped me before subjecting them to something like my family's new year's eve party...that shit is intense...150 people...all of them crazy and Cuban and slightly drunk...
SK8: Yeah, you're right. I waited a year and a half before bringing Mike (shout out to you Mike, one of the few cool kids at ND) home to meet them.
Sarah: SK8, Mike met your parents last year...oh...you meant before meeting my family. I thought we went over this...you're not really related to me...

See, total family envy. (MY NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY IS GOING TO ROCK BTW!)


Roscoe Oglesby

Sarah's dreams strike again...

I had a dream that the Union was hiring someone new for a new made up position. No one had told me about the position, the interviews, or the person so in my dream I look down at our Union board Meeting Agenda and get really snippy with everyone. It was funny after I woke up. Anyway, damn Union...you already own my life, stay the fuck out of my dreams! Please?


Pirate name!

Your pirate name is:

Captain Mary Rackham

Even though there's no legal rank on a pirate ship, everyone recognizes you're the one in charge. You have the good fortune of having a good name, since Rackham (pronounced RACKem, not rack-ham) is one of the coolest sounding surnames for a pirate. Arr!


I may not be street smart and all that, but at least I know not to be that dumb!

First of all, before I begin, extra points goes to the person who can tell me what movie my entry title is from... and now my entry:

So I had a Boston fan talk to me (that's right, one of them DARED to talk to me) and try to gloat that the Red Sox won the last game of the AL East Division Series. I just looked at him blankly and said, but we (NYY) won the division title. And he says, but that's not the issue, we won the game. NO SILLY BOY! That's like saying, the war is lost, but we won that one battle that one time against those little boys and it ROCKED. See how silly that sounds? Yes, you all won a game that we didn't care about because we'd already clinched. Some people say that's why professional sports sucks, for love or money, and all that bullshit, but I say its the economics of a sport like baseball where pitching cycle means everything and if you have a chance to give your players a break then you take it because Lord knows October is here and they're not going to have one for a while. It's things like that which make the NYY such a successful team, because when it comes down to it, everyone overspends on their teams, but our coaching staff at least knows how to use our overpaid players in the most effective manner with the longest lasting result. So go have fun chasing that wild card Boston, and hopefully we'll meet again in the ALCS...


A version of my personality test that is legible...

You are elegant, withdrawn, and brilliant.Your mind is a weapon, able to solve any puzzle.You are also great at poking holes in arguments and common beliefs.For you, comfort and calm are very important.You tend to thrive on your own and shrug off most affection.You prefer to protect your emotions and stay strong.

Wow, these things are never right for me but this one is magically all correct. Those of you who know me know this to be true, those of you who don't, take my word, or talk to me for five minutes.


Meg's Away Message

America isn't easy. America is advanced citizenship. You've gotta want it bad, 'cause it's gonna put up a fight. It's gonna say, "You want free speech? Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who's standing center-stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours. You want to claim this land as the land of the free? Then the symbol of your country cannot just be a flag. The symbol also has to be one of its citizens exercising his right to burn that flag in protest. Now show me that, defend that, celebrate that in your classrooms. Then, you can stand up and sing about the land of the free.


Right on!

You are elegant, withdrawn, and brilliant.Your mind is a weapon, able to solve any puzzle.You are also great at poking holes in arguments and common beliefs.
For you, comfort and calm are very important.You tend to thrive on your own and shrug off most affection.You prefer to protect your emotions and stay strong.


Czech whores

Fun fact: Notre Dame kids need to get out more


ND Student: oh we were shitfaced... then the next night we go into this club and all these girls start coming up to us
ND Student: and i was like what the fuck is going on
ND Student: and then i realized it was a brothel


Why the West Wing rocks in general...

If any of you know me, then you know that I love the West Wing. This might be hard for you to undertsand because of the fact thgat I disagree with just about everything policy-wise on the show, but it doesn't mean I am incapable of enjoying good writing, or at least I was for seasons 1-4, now I'm just a hostage of the characters. Here are some more enjoyable quotes that should intrigue all of you to watch ny West Wing DVDs with me, or at the very least, watch Bravo on Monday nights for West Wing Mondays...

Josh Lyman: You know what, CJ? I really think I'm the best judge of what I mean, you paranoid Berkeley shiksa feminista... Wow, that was way too far.
C.J. Cregg: No. No. Well, I've got a staff meeting to go to and so do you, you elitist, Harvard, fascist, missed-the-dean's-list-two-semesters-in-a-row Yankee jackass.

Margaret: Can I just say something for the future? *I* can sign the president's name. I've got his signature down pretty good.
Leo McGarry: You can sign the president's name?
Margaret: Yeah.
Leo McGarry: On a document removing him from power?
Margaret: Yeah. Or do you think the White House Counsel would say that's a bad idea?
Leo McGarry: I think the White House Counsel would say that's a Coup D'Etat.
Margaret: I'd probably end up doing some time for that.
Leo McGarry: I would think. And what the hell are you doing practicing the president's signature?
Margaret: It's just for fun.
Leo McGarry: We've got separation of powers, checks and balances, and Margaret, vetoing things and sending them back to the hill.

Josh Lyman: All I'm saying is, if you were in an accident, I wouldn't stop to get a beer.
Donna Moss: If you were in an accident, I wouldn't stop for red lights.

President Josiah Bartlet: Good. I like your show. I like how you call homosexuality an abomination.
Dr. Jenna Jacobs: I don't say homosexuality is an abomination, Mr. President. The Bible does. President Josiah Bartlet: Yes it does. Leviticus.
Dr. Jenna Jacobs: 18:22.
President Josiah Bartlet: Chapter and verse. I wanted to ask you a couple of questions while I have you here. I'm interested in selling my youngest daughter into slavery as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. She's a Georgetown sophomore, speaks fluent Italian, always cleared the table when it was her turn. What would a good price for her be? While thinking about that, can I ask another? My Chief of Staff Leo McGarry insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly says he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself or is it okay to call the police? Here's one that's really important because we've got a lot of sports fans in this town: touching the skin of a dead pig makes one unclean. Leviticus 11:7. If they promise to wear gloves, can the Washington Redskins still play football? Can Notre Dame? Can West Point? Does the whole town really have to be together to stone my brother John for planting different crops side by side? Can I burn my mother in a small family gathering for wearing garments made from two different threads? Think about those questions, would you? One last thing: while you may be mistaking this for your monthly meeting of the Ignorant Tight-Ass Club, in this building, when the President stands, nobody sits.

General Ed Barrie: How about we discuss new defense spending being down to three hundred billion from four hundred billion ten years ago. Is that personal?
C.J. Cregg: No, sir, I think that's about the cold war ending ten years ago and America not needing to spend quite so much money defending itself against a country that can't bake bread.

Toby Ziegler: [holding his twin babies] I didn't realize babies come with hats. You guys crack me up. You don't have jobs. You can't walk or speak the language. You don't have a dollar in your pockets but you got yourselves a hat so everything's fine. I don't want to alarm you or anything, but I'm Dad. And for you, son - for you - this will be the last time I pass the buck, but I think it should be clear from the get-go that it was Mom who named you Huckleberry. I guess she was feeling like life doesn't present enough challenges to overcome on its own. And, honey, you've got a name now, too. [turns to his daughter] Your mom and I named you after an incredibly brave woman, really not all that much older than you. Your name is Molly. Huck and Molly. So, what do I do? Well, you're going to need food and clothes and doctors and dentists and there's that. And should you have any questions along the way...

C.J. Cregg: If you ever post anything on that website again, I will shove the motherboard so far up your ass...what?
Josh Lyman: Technically, I outrank you -

Toby Ziegler: You think the United States is under attack from 1200 Cubans in rowboats?
Sam Seaborn: I'm not saying I don't like our chances.
Toby Ziegler: It's mind-boggling to me we ever won an election.

Yeah, I had to correct some of these quotes, because the website from which I took them had them written incorrectly and it bothered me. I think I won't post West Wing quotes for a while now, I think I was just inspired to do so by an away message that made me think about all the funny things they say on the West Wing...also, how sad it is that I find China trade jokes funny...but WHATEVER, I'm still cool, I swear.

Why Ainsley Hayes is such a cool Republican:

"The point is that sexual revolution tends to get in the way of actual revolution. Nonsense issues distract attention away from real ones."

"This White House that feels that government is better for children than parents are. That looks at 40 years of degrading and humiliating free lunches, handed out in a spectacularly failed effort to level the playing field, and says 'Let's try 40 more'. This White House that says of anyone that points that out to them that they are cold and mean and racists, and then accuses the Republicans of using the politics of fear. This White House that loves the Bill of Rights, all of them - except the second one."

"Textbooks are important, if for no other reason than they accurately place the town of Kirkwood in California and not in Oregon."

"I'm not gonna say anything, I'm not gonna spill anything. I'm not gonna get Republican juice on you."

"I am a citizen of this country, I am not a special subset in need of your protection. I do not have to have my rights handed down to me by a bunch of old, white men. The same Article 14 that protects you protects me, and I went to law school just to make sure. And with that, I am going back down to the mess, because I thought I may have seen there, a peach."

"I believe that every time the federal government hands down a new law it leaves for the rest of us a little less freedom."

...all of these things justify my watching the Commie show, because Sorkin would always remember that not all of us conservatives are CRAZY. Who wants to join my non-crazy wing of the GOP? Let me know.


Harry Potter as birth control?

One person's view on Harry Potter parties and the children who attend them:

" they should have a sign out side that says free birth ontrol, and then see what kind of cross section they get"

yes, that would be amazing.


Super Physics!

Can we just all pause for a second and thank Josh Curry for being the physics nerd he is and finding the most amazing physics tutorial ever? I love Super Mario and I hate physics, mixing them just makes it funny.



Potter v. the Pope

Catholics, be forewarned, this will not be well received by you all...

So today the Pope reiterated his attacks on Harry Potter, saying that it's evil, and that it "distorts Christianity within the soul." I know this isn't anything new, but today I decided I wanted to find a detailed statement from the Vatican, from the church, from someone so I could see what their particular beef was with HP. What did I find after extensive searching on the Internet? Nothing. If you want to call something evil or demonic, I would generally advise you to back up what you're saying with concrete examples and evidence. But since they apparently don't have any of that, they're stuck just staying that it distorts beliefs. I'm not really sure how, the only Christian reference that comes to my mind in the past five Harry Potter books is Christmas, where all they really talk about is presents and good food for the holidays. SO then I think, what are the odds the Pope has actually read Harry Potter? And not just the first book, but at least the first three, because again, were I making the argument, I would make sure I knew the material well enough to explain my points. This kind of thing drives me crazy. And NOW, little Catholic children all over the world will be forced to burn their Harry Potter books by their non-thinking parents who don't see the Pope for what he is, a man, with opinions and interpretations of Harry Potter and the Bible that aren't more valid than anyone else's, well actually, he's probably read the Bible at least. I'll spare the world my thoughts about the Catholic church, but this is soo ridiculous. There might be a part two to this post if I ever find any more information about specific complaints.


Damn Canadians

See, this is why people get pissed at Canada...and really, it's Canada, can it afford to have people mad at it? I don't think so. Can it afford to piss off someone who is wealthier than the queen of England? Nope. So WHY would a little tiny bookstore think it was okay to sell the Harry Potter books before they were released. Where in the "how to run a bookstore" manual did they see it? It was probably just in the Canadian edition...

Don't sass the large large man

So if you were a 22 year old male who wanted to take out Hulk Hogan's 16 year old daughter, would you sass him while he interrogated you? I wonder how many people in our generation would so recklessly take their lives into their own hands without a second thought. You can't say things like "There aren't any laws against me t aking your daughter out," because if Hogan says there is a law, then there is, and it is the law of "I am a large large man who will kill you and make sure they never find you, ever."

I have GOT to stop watching VH1 at 2 am