
Harry Potter as birth control?

One person's view on Harry Potter parties and the children who attend them:

" they should have a sign out side that says free birth ontrol, and then see what kind of cross section they get"

yes, that would be amazing.


Super Physics!

Can we just all pause for a second and thank Josh Curry for being the physics nerd he is and finding the most amazing physics tutorial ever? I love Super Mario and I hate physics, mixing them just makes it funny.



Potter v. the Pope

Catholics, be forewarned, this will not be well received by you all...

So today the Pope reiterated his attacks on Harry Potter, saying that it's evil, and that it "distorts Christianity within the soul." I know this isn't anything new, but today I decided I wanted to find a detailed statement from the Vatican, from the church, from someone so I could see what their particular beef was with HP. What did I find after extensive searching on the Internet? Nothing. If you want to call something evil or demonic, I would generally advise you to back up what you're saying with concrete examples and evidence. But since they apparently don't have any of that, they're stuck just staying that it distorts beliefs. I'm not really sure how, the only Christian reference that comes to my mind in the past five Harry Potter books is Christmas, where all they really talk about is presents and good food for the holidays. SO then I think, what are the odds the Pope has actually read Harry Potter? And not just the first book, but at least the first three, because again, were I making the argument, I would make sure I knew the material well enough to explain my points. This kind of thing drives me crazy. And NOW, little Catholic children all over the world will be forced to burn their Harry Potter books by their non-thinking parents who don't see the Pope for what he is, a man, with opinions and interpretations of Harry Potter and the Bible that aren't more valid than anyone else's, well actually, he's probably read the Bible at least. I'll spare the world my thoughts about the Catholic church, but this is soo ridiculous. There might be a part two to this post if I ever find any more information about specific complaints.


Damn Canadians

See, this is why people get pissed at Canada...and really, it's Canada, can it afford to have people mad at it? I don't think so. Can it afford to piss off someone who is wealthier than the queen of England? Nope. So WHY would a little tiny bookstore think it was okay to sell the Harry Potter books before they were released. Where in the "how to run a bookstore" manual did they see it? It was probably just in the Canadian edition...

Don't sass the large large man

So if you were a 22 year old male who wanted to take out Hulk Hogan's 16 year old daughter, would you sass him while he interrogated you? I wonder how many people in our generation would so recklessly take their lives into their own hands without a second thought. You can't say things like "There aren't any laws against me t aking your daughter out," because if Hogan says there is a law, then there is, and it is the law of "I am a large large man who will kill you and make sure they never find you, ever."

I have GOT to stop watching VH1 at 2 am