
Dorky MUN Kids

Yes, I am one. I know that Model United Nations is one of the most uncool activities in the world, but it has enabled me to travel the world for free, so who am I to complain? Besides all of that, I've made great friends and met fantastic people these past three years. However, sometimes, such as now, when I am removed from the MUN community I forget just how silly we are. Until I read silly comments like this on facebook: China was excellent. I climbed the great wall with most of the FSU-Panama people, and W&M won best delegation again, which was fun. FSU should really go next year so we can have a love-hate relationship with someone besides West Point..." Oh wow, we are dorky, and have our own weird political messes within conferences, but really, parli pro will serve us in some future board meeting, and all those outsiders....well it sucks to be you

I do love WP and Bill & Bitch, for the record.


Crazy Commercial

I am home for a little while. I figured I needed a break before summer school started. My grand theory of sickness has been proven once again during this little break. While at school, I do not allow my body to succumb to sickness for the most part, I am invincible! And then I come home for a couple of days and fall into a spiral of sickness. This has happened once again. My grand theory prevails. And so, I sit on the couch and watch bad TV and float in and out of sleep, but one thing that has stuck with me: the eye cream commercial. It is an atrocious commercial. Poorly done. But what sticks with me is the slogan: For serious eye circles, except that serious is underlined. DO NOT BE FOOLED. This is not for part-time circles, not for humorous circles, or under-18 circles. This is for Nietzsche-reading, C-SPAN watching, serious circle. It's very amusing. Also, it might be all the over-the-counter meds I am on mixing, but nonetheless, I smiled.