
I'm bitter. I know. Deal with it.

This may be tacky. This may be a clichéd response. This may be bitterly written.

I know for damn sure this is dramatic.

I have some issues with the Gators. We all know that by issues I mean the ultimate level of dislike. Obviously I am happy for the individuals on that team. You can’t look at Chris Leak and see his hard work for four years, see all of the school records he holds, and NOT be happy. You can’t look at Reggie Nelson with his teammates at the national championship a mere 18 days after his mother died and not be happy for him. You can’t watch his post-game interview and not be impressed with his composure because I know I would be in a hole somewhere bawling my eyes out.

However, I have some issues.

Urban. Meyer. “The greatest coach in college football.” I just threw up a little in my mouth. Maybe I expect a little more from a coach in the class department. Maybe I expect too much. Maybe I have an unrealistic expectation of decorum. But I think it is immensely inappropriate for a coach, the HEAD coach, of a college football team to turn to the crowd and lift his hands in a “get loud” motion. That is NOT okay. It’s just not.

Whichever players dumped Gatorade on Meyer before the end of the game. I hate it when ANYONE does this. The Seminoles have done it. The Hurricanes have done it. But I hate it and point it out a lot. It’s just disrespectful.

And you know, I never had a problem with Emmitt Smith…and then the announcer said, “Are the Gators going to win everything this year? Basketball? Football? Dancing With the Stars?”


I also have issue with the score. Or more specifically the difference between the UF-OSU score and the FSU-UF games. OSU, how were you undefeated going into this game? I do not know! I hope someone does!

I have to go to bed now.

Congratulations to the Gators. You guys played clean, sharp football. It was actually visually pleasing to watch (despite those horribly ugly colors you wear). You clearly deserve it more than OSU, that's for sure. Enjoy it.

We'll see you at the Swamp.


Too stoned!

Never been stoned while blogging…

To be clear, I’m high on cough syrup. I have the plague and so the doctor sent me home with enough drugs to dope up LSU’s entire team to the point of letting Notre Dame win…

Anyway, according to the label on my cough syrup it is a federal crime to give the medicine to anyone but me. I tell you this for several reasons: 1. to impress upon you how severe this bout with the plague is 2. to make you wonder how concerned the government really is about my cough medicine when we have things like this going on 3. and apparently there were only a few reasons, not several, but I’m too lazy to go back an edit.

So I usually come back from the holiday break with a plethora or stories to tell you, a glut of anecdotes if you will, and this year is no different.

It begins…

I have been fortunate enough in my small time here on earth to have traveled to many places. I have traveled both internationally and domestically. I have traveled by myself. I have traveled in groups ranging from two to SEVENTY-FIVE people. In my lifetime, I have never traveled with anyone as annoying as my own father. He really might the worst traveler in history.

Despite waking up before all of us on the morning in question, he is still the last one ready to leave the house. He is one of THOSE people. I seem to be surrounded by THESE people. THESE people are those who have seemingly normal “getting ready” routines and yet somehow move so slowly it boggles the mind that they ever learned to read or graduated from middle school. My boyfriend is one of THESE people. My best friend is one of THESE people. THESE people drive me up a wall…but I digress. So he leaves the house grumbling about being later -- mind you, we are not late, we are not even in the realm of tardy, and yet my father has already begun dooming us verbally to miss our flight. I ignore him, this is typical Dad stuff, right? Fine, I’m ignoring him…

Until we get to security.

We’re in line, waiting…waiting…waiting.

“Sarah, are you going to zip your purse?”

“No Dad, it’s big and bulky and zippering it will be annoying”

“Sarah, you need to zipper it.”

“Leave me alone Dad.”

“You’re a WALKING TARGET for pickpockets.”

“Dejame tranquila, por favor!!!” [Leave me alone, PLEASE]

At this point, people are looking so he leaves me alone…

For five minutes.

“Sarah, I think you should zipper it for when it goes through the X-Ray”


“Yes, yes I am.”

Some observations:

  1. My bag is obviously the tote bag kind that NO ONE zips. Also, do you think that if my valuables were in any way easily accessible and not at the BOTTOM of the huge bag, that I would be so cavalier about it? Of course not.
  1. THERE ARE NO PICKPOCKETS IN THIS FREAKING AIRPORT. But if there were, can we please talk about how you are so narrowed in on MY BAG that NO ONE will get within thirty feet of it. Thanks.
  1. I’ve done this before, probably more times than you. PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE.

I swear to you, if I didn’t think it would have caused a scene I would’ve turned to him and said, “See you at the gate.”

So now you think maybe he will calm down after the flight, but you’re wrong, because as we’re driving toward Jackie’s house, he begins to GIVE HER DIRECTIONS. She LIVES there.

I begin to hack up my soul somewhere in these next twelve hours. It’s unclear to me what happened exactly.

Jackie and I had a heart warming exchange two days later. It went something like this:

“Sarah, your hair is oily, you look gross”

(This is after I’ve spent the last day and a half in bed, dying.)

“Leave me alone.”

“And your face looks gross.”

“Excuse me?”

“You have mascara under your eyes. You look gross.”

“You’re just jealous because I look better than you right now.”

“You look like Rudolph; your nose is all red.”

“I’ve been blowing it non-stop. But I think you’re just sad because I have a cute nose, and you have that large appendage on your face.”

“Whatever, I’m prettier than you.”

At this point we just both dissolve into laughter. This little conversation def happened in front of eight other people. We don’t care. We’re vicious. But we LOVE each other! We really do, that wasn’t sarcasm…

Some other quality quotes:

“Why is your mouth moving? What are you eating?” ~All of us at some point

“Wanna see Jeannine cry? Watch…watch” ~Jackie

“He brought a showerhead with him! He is a GUEST! He should not bring ANYTHING to fix the water pressure in the house where he is a GUEST.” ~My mom

“Who is James Brown?” ~Jackie

Well, that is all for now. I am too doped up on meds to continue this post any further. Tune in next time for more on the following:

  1. The bangin’ New Year’s Eve Party
  2. Shoe shopping with Jeannine
  3. My dad on the trip home

Oh, and while this might be very unrelated to this entry, it is a very relevant piece of advice: Don’t talk smack about people who are smarter than you. They usually find out. It usually ends badly for you, the meddler. That is all.

Crazy Blondes

“I know I look stupid when I tell people I want to have babies. They tell me that my boyfriend is 80 and that he has two other girlfriends.”

So I was watching the Playboy Bunny reality show, The Girls Next Door. It is so unbelievable. It’s just like bad VH1 TV, you HAVE to keep watching. Today’s episode was about Holly planning a baby shower for a former Playmate. I guess you could say Holly is the queen bee of Heff’s three live-in girlfriends. She’s been around the longest and strangely enough has this weird propriety thing going on…anyway she wants to marry Heff. As in Hugh Heffner. As in the man who has had more than one girlfriend openly for more than twenty years. AND SHE’S TALKING ABOUT IT ON NATIONAL TELEVISION.

I know we all have our weird delusions, I know I have mine, but I don’t tell anyone about them. Congratulations Holly, you just told the world that you think Hugh will marry you and give you a child. And the world also saw you drop the biggest hints in the world to him. And then, the world saw him ignore you. He’s been with you for five years. You want to wait three years so he can be done with the kids he has. HE WILL BE EIGHTY THREE. Come ooooooooooon.

Anyway, my other favorite moment of the show was at the baby shower. The girls kept giving the mommy-to-be little stuffed bunnies, which I guess is cute in a way. BUT THEN, someone says, “I hope that Victoria’s baby grows up to be a Playboy bunny.”

NO! NO! That poor unborn child…



Kendra is turning 21. That’s right, one of Hugh’s girlfriends moved in at the age of 20. And her mom and grandma and brother are around to celebrate at the mansion. The strangeness of this show is mounting.

Kendra’s birthday gift from Heff is a trip for the girls to Las Vegas. Apparently there are rules at the mansion that require the girls to lead a dignified life and so this vacation is allowing them to get away from all of their “responsibilities.” It’s just too easy to make fun of that. What is even better though is that Holly is the one that is supposed to keep everyone in line on the trip.

They’re Playmates.

What is the fun of being Hugh Heffner’s girlfriend if you can’t live the luxe trashy life? They have a curfew when they’re home for goodness sake!

ANYWAY, I’m done.