
West Wing

Twice in one day...can we handle it?

I like how I address people when I am pretty positive that NO ONE reads these things except for Dana.


I just saw a preview for West Wing this Sunday, and as most of you all know they are cancelling the show. Why? Why would they cancel a show that is critically acclaimed? Because stupid NBC put it in a stupid Sunday night spot because STUPID America would rather watch dumb shows like Lost where you don't have to think, than watch a thought provoking political drama. But, back to the preview, Josh and Donna are FINALLY hooking up. People, this is huge, this is like watching Casablanca for the millionth time and your DVD shows you the ending you always wanted and Bergman says peace out to Henreid and goes to chill with Bogart. AMAZING! So after the preview ended I started thinking about all the great Josh and Donna moments, here's a sampling:

Josh Lyman: Victory is mine, victory is mine. Great day in the morning, victory is mine
Donna Moss: Good morning, Josh.
Josh Lyman: I drink from the keg of glory, Donna. Bring me the finest muffins and bagels in all the land
Donna Moss: It's going to be an unbearable day

Josh Lyman: All I'm saying is, if you were in an accident, I wouldn't stop to get a beer.
Donna Moss: If you were in an accident, I wouldn't stop for red lights.

Donna Moss: I had a plan.
Josh Lyman: When you say, "in one of these boxes..."?
Donna Moss: I had a plan. Each box is numbered. There's a piece of paper with a number and a corresponding description of the contents of each box.
Josh Lyman: Well, where's the piece of paper? [pause]
Josh Lyman: It's in one of these boxes.
Donna Moss: I had a plan. I grew up on a farm.
Josh Lyman: You grew up in a condo.
Donna Moss: I grew up near a farm. And I was cute, and I was peppy, and I always did well on my nineteenth-century English literature midterm until you came along and sucked me into your life of crime.
Josh Lyman: Hey, I'm not the . . .
Donna Moss: White-collar crime boy. You know what they do to a girl like me on that cell block? I've seen those movies. J
osh Lyman: Yeah, me, too.
Donna Moss: I'll bet you have.
Josh Lyman: Look . . .
Donna Moss: Sell my farm girl ass for a carton of Luckys.
Josh Lyman: Hey, seriously, you need to sleep for a while.
Donna Moss: I can't yet. 'Cause in one of these boxes are Fed Ex receipts and mail-room records for any gifts or packages sent to senior staff, and in one of these boxes is a piece of paper that tells me which box it's in!
Josh Lyman: I'll be in the office.
Donna Moss: Your office is down a corridor, about two hundred feet from here. Try not to commit any felonies on the way.
Josh Lyman: I'll do my best.
Donna Moss: Yeah. [Josh leaves the room]

Josh Lyman: I said to you, I said this. I said, "Do you want food?"
Donna Moss: Yes.
Josh Lyman: And you said, "No, I don't want any food."
Donna Moss: Yeah.
Josh Lyman: And now you're eating my food!
Donna Moss: I kind of think you'd have learned that by now.
Josh Lyman: Are you eating the rest of the sandwich?
Donna Moss: Are you?

And so you can see, how I am very scared that while these West Wing writers have been adept at creating a campaign trail drama, they will fail when it comes to the snappy verbal remarks that need to exist when these two finally get together. In my next thought I had a vision, Aaron Sorkin should come back JUST to write this episode. It's so crucial, it's so near the end. But he won't. Why did he leave? Urgh. So we'll see how good this episode ends up being, I pray that it is amazing. I will be happy if it's just ok. That is all.

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