
Good commercials

OK, so the commercial with the man sitting in the shoe store as his girlfriend peruses black heels...all different I might add...and then when she asks him what he thinks about the shoes they all look the same to him...


Silly boys. But the commercial is lovely every time I see it...

I went shopping today with birthday money and found the impossible: navy slacks that don't make me look 50 years old. I am excited. I love everything I have purchased on break. Yay for clothes, although I should not be allowed to shop with Nicole anymore, we both enjoy business clothing WAY too much and thus we do not discourage each other from buying another pair of pants.

I'm watching American Idol. I have given in. I don't feel bad only because a childhood friend of mine is on it, and thus I justify my reality tv setback with that fact.

That is all.

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