
I'm here!

1. Woman marries dolphin.

Really what else can I say? There was a ceremony. There was a courtship of several years. This is what happens when British people go crazy.

2. The new facebook status

For serious everyone, "it's complicated" is silly. For starters, you can be complicated alone, or you can request complication with someone. Being complicated alone is very much "I stalk this guy in my math class and he doesn't know I exist." CREEPY. Being complicated with someone? Please. If you recognize that there is enough of something between you to confirm complication, then please just be in a relationship, because even if it's a bad relationship I have decided that it's better than being complicated. I have spoken.

3. David White. Me. Same person.

It's uncanny. It's a little scary sometimes. We are freakishly linked. Same reactions and opinions. We also can't let the little things go.

4. Tamina is a friend of mine from high school. She is the author of amazing things like the Pangea biology quiz. She recommends to all of you that you "not be dumb whores who open their legs three months too early only to end up dragging your friend to his house at night to spy on him to see if he has a gf." She was apparently the dragged along friend in this situation. She was quite unhappy. She also says that you should have found out about the gf before the sex. Just a tip.

5. Wow. I played a lot of Monopoly while Dan was here visiting Julia. I was the Monopoly stripper because for some reason I ALWAYS had a lot of ones. I was that girl who goes to the bank with $400 in singles and says, "I'm a waitress." Anyway, I was not only the stripper, I WON. Apparently, owning both utilities, three railroads, and having a mid-sized monopoly is all you need to do to win. Crazy.

I know that my blog is unloved and I am sorry. More to come on lots of different issues

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