
Happy Birthday to Me! and other things

Yay, today is my birthday!

I love birthdays. I do not like people who tell me I am only excited about birthdays because I am young. I think that is so rude. I plan on being as excited about my 60th birthday as I was about my 8th birthday. I just love the day, the idea that you celebrate just you, it's awesome. It makes people smile. I love it. And there's cake. And presents. And both of mine were spectacular.

So today, I was online looking at classes for next semester and got REALLY excited because a class I've wanted to take for several years now is being offered in the afternoon and NOT at 8 AM. I exclaimed this via IM to a friend and she just laughed at me. It was during her peals of laughter that I saw how much of a dork I truly am. Let's hope American Foreign Policy is worthy of my excitement.

So I have a retarded tan line, I don't know why but my shoulder has this random whiteness in an odd shape. I'm pretty sure a shadow was cast on my shoulder while I was reading outside yesterday and now I have this lovely memento on my arm. It looks pretty silly, I can't lie.

I am reading Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons. It's pretty good. Not what I thought it would be at all. I thought it'd be fluffy, but it's actually getting into good issues about women in the sixties and their marriages. It kind of reminds me of Sex & the City in a strange way.

That's all for now. I had another funny happening in the day, but it has escaped me once again. Tune in tomorrow. Or whenever the next time I write ends up being.

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